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"Toronto & Valparaiso: Creative Cities Cultural Exchange" - Mural Inauguration

You are invited to join in celebrating an exciting new, large scale community mural supported by the Lula Music & Arts Centre and installed by Chile based Creativo Arts Collective in collaboration with Toronto based street artists, on Dundas West. The design of this mural brought together diverse members of the west end area to create a visual celebration of the contributions of both our local artistic community and artists with roots in South America to the cultural life of the Dundas West neighbourhood. Painting of this mural began, in the context of the recent Dundas West Street Festival (2018 Edition).

A beautiful art work, but also much more than that, this project engaged youth from communities within the Dundas West Area in educational and mural painting workshops at Alexander Muir Public School, in which artists from Valparaiso, Chile, had the opportunity to work with students and community members to explore the issues and designs as part of the mural creation process.

Located at 1533 Dundas St. West, this dramatic and impressive mural was produced by Rodrigo Ardiles, and painted by Toronto artists Jieun Kim and Erika James along with international artists Giovanni Zamora and Pablo Gomez. This collaborative effort,

another showpiece for the Dundas West Area, celebrates music and arts, and reinforces Toronto’s reputation as a centre of creativity and innovation – Diversity Our Strength.

This initiative builds on mural art already created in our neighbourhood with the Dundas West BIA. These public art works, have been included in many guided walking tours, help promote sustainable and creative economic growth and support the creation of a local Public Street Art Museum in Toronto. This project is supported and funded by the City of Toronto - StreetARToronto Program, Toronto Arts Council, Canadian Embassy in Chile, Chilean Consulate in Toronto, Municipality of Valparaiso, Chile, Dundas West BIA & Museum, Lula Music and Arts Centre, Creativo Arts Collective, CASAT, TDSB, Memorial Museum of Chile and the “Valparaiso En Colores” Initiative.

We extend the invitation to the entire community to participate in our public inauguration and celebration of the vibrant creative neighbourhood of Dundas West.

Event info: Sunday, June 10 at 1533 Dundas St. West. 10:00 am.

For more information call 416 588 0307.

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